
Heavens to Betsy

Hot Fudge Sauce


It’s legal, but it sure doesn’t taste like it.

First there's chocolate... then comes everything else.

Ever notice how there are no recipes for left over hot fudge sauce? There are reasons for that, and Heavens to Betsy accounts for five of them — Espresso, Almond, Cherry, Orange, and our original Midnight fudge sauce flavors. Each of our handmade hot fudge sauces is a sublime dark chocolate affair rivaled only by (insert your all-time favorite thing ever in your whole life here). Even then the tally isn’t unanimous. Heavens to Betsy dark chocolate hot fudge sauce. Yep, there are other things that matter in life, but one spoonful of this and you probably won’t remember what they are.

Five Silky Flavors


Turns out, Heaven comes in spoonfuls, not little slices.

The only hot fudge sauce made from 99.99% pure Nacional cacao from Peru.

The artisan dark chocolate that goes into Heavens to Betsy is sourced exclusively from Issaquah’s Fortunato No. 4 and the family farms in Peru’s Marañón Canyon, a region known for some of the world’s finest cacao. It’s not just “Fair Trade” chocolate either. It’s honorable, too. Fortunato No. 4 buys organically grown, Nacional cacao at an average of 10 times Fair Trade premiums from over 500 individual family farms. It’s the cacao from these farms — the only 99.99% pure Nacional cacao in the world — that goes into every mmmmm-inducing jar of handmade Heavens to Betsy Hot Fudge Sauce.

Hot Fudge Maven

A blend of curiosity, trial and error, passion and a lot of hard work, Heavens to Betsy is the decadent result of its namesake’s frustration with overly sweet fudge sauces. With nothing available to sate her palette, Betsy embarked on a 24 month, kitchen-disheveling journey to concoct some of the most sophisticated dark chocolate fudge sauces ever poured, licked, dipped into, or scraped from the bottom of a jar.

Follow the Process

What people are saying:

Heavens to Betsy dark chocolate hot fudge sauce is featured in these fine stores:

Heavens to Betsy’s unique, sophisticated taste begins in Peru’s Marañón Canyon, a region known for the world’s finest cacao. The location, geography and climate form a Peruvian nirvana, yielding beans with a flavor and tartness that’s unrivaled in all the world.

Once harvested, the wet Fortunato No. 4 cacao beans are scraped from their pods, and inspected for defective beans before fermenting — a process that further’s the unique nature of Peruvian cacao because of the specific yeast found only in this region. After a second inspection on the drying tables, the beans are bagged for shipping to Switzerland to make Fortunato No. 4 chocolate.

Roasting, breaking the beans down to cocoa nibs and conching the chocolate (mixing and evenly distributing the cocoa butter) removes moisture and adds to the viscosity while improving the flavor. The conched chocolate is then tempered and molded, ready to be shipped to Issaquah.

Once in the Heavens to Betsy kitchen, Fortunato’s super dark 68% chocolate is meticulously melted, then combined with fresh heavy cream, butter, dutched cocoa, brown sugar and a fair amount of elbow grease, as we follow our original Midnight recipe that took two years to perfect.

One of the most crucial steps in our process is the actual cooking, requiring constant stirring at a precise temperature for an exact period of time. At this stage, we also augment our original Midnight recipe to create our orange, cherry, almond and espresso flavors before packaging.

There’s no reason to go through the Heavens to Betsy process if not for you, because it’s the sensory experience of tasting our silky hot fudge sauce over a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, drizzled over cookies or straight from the jar that makes it all worth it, and is our raison d’ etre.

welcome to smooch headquarters

They say that really great lovers gift Heavens to Betsy on Valentine’s Day. Actually, we’re the ones who say that. Oh, and we’re talking about Chocolate lovers.

Every Heavens to Betsy Valentine’s Day order comes in a free custom gift box, no matter where you rank on the lover scale. You can even include a personalized love note if you’d like. Be careful, though. This stuff is basically passion in a jar, so you won’t need to over-Shakespeare your note. And congratulations on your future ranking.